Friday, July 27, 2007

Steaming Hot Towels & Calamari

Yea man I boarded my plane yesterday at about noon to Philli. Soon as I got there I had a quick lunch at the pizza place and then went to my gate to board the next plane. This was the big air bus honker flight which I know so well. As I was going through the boarding operation when the ticket man screwed up one of my paper tickets by accident. Going through much frustration I finally got the matter resolved, but for my troubles the airline gave my a first class seat the whole way there. Man it was so sweet! I'm talking like a seat that becomes a bed at the press of a button. I'm talking legroom like you have never experienced! Our stewardess brought us like steaming hot towels just to wipe our face off! The food was full blown fish with like shrimp and calamari! Dude I will never forget it! Anyways I am here now and am about to hit the waters. Keep ya posted!


Anonymous said...

Dude, that's the coolest story. I have been on several "across the pond" trips, but I've never gotten the "rock star" treatment. That's sweet, dude. Keep it up!

Hey, man, I really wish you well on this event! We always tell people how you're doing, and I would love to say "Rocky, in the top five" and I WILL! You rock, dude, and just know we're all right there with you. Just do it like you do it. You love to ride and THAT's what makes the difference. Live it up!

WKC Rookie, Brent

Anonymous said...

Oh, PS, you're not missing anything here. It's been rainy and the wind has been totally LAME since you left. You took the good stuff with you, so let the Kite-Gods prevail in FuerteVentura!


Corpus Christi Harbor Bridge

Corpus Christi Harbor Bridge
pic by Toby Bromwich