Tuesday, August 21, 2007

...excerpt from Rocky's email Germany Men's Singles

Rocky is having much difficulty getting emails out. I believe Extreme Elements was having difficulty today as well. Rocky wrote his dad at work, and I am sending you a few details you all will enjoy ~Julia Chatwell

.......Rocky wrote, "Today, I kited better than I ever have in my entire life on my 12m, before the comp. I landed a front mobe 5! Which is a frontmobe to flat 3! But, when my heat started, a big storm came. It was very windy again, but this time I handled the conditions way better. In my heat I landed a huge back mobe 5 and frontmobe, then the wind picked up even more, to where I could hardly stay on the water. I got mad and went as big as I could, doing a 30 foot kiteloop back to front roll indi grab. This was the biggest kiteloop I have ever done! I was coming down, with so much speed that my kite was behind me in the air! As I landed, I had so much speed that I just kept going until the kite caught up with me. Trying to do more technical I tried a KGB, but it was way too windy and as I was landing, a 35 knot gust hit me. I nosed the tail of my board and by that time the red flag went down, and the heat was over. Sadly, the judges told me that I lost by a couple of tricks that I was unable to pulll in the heat due to the windy conditions. My opponent was Silvester, who lives part time in Tarifa, and trains in high winds. MAN!! if it would have been a little bit lighter!! Anyway, I hate to loose. It seems as if the comps have gotten harder than they were at the beginning of the season. Alot of people have gotten WAY BETTER, including me! Man, I know I could have never ever kited winds like this at the beginning of the season! I have learned so much! This has only made me stronger........
...I can't wait to see you all again, and go eat Mexican food on the island!"

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Corpus Christi Harbor Bridge

Corpus Christi Harbor Bridge
pic by Toby Bromwich