Wednesday, May 13, 2009

JP Luby kiting session

The wind has been awesome! I rode JP luby yesterday with a friend and it was SWEET!!!

Im so stoked to have my signature move perfected again, the Rocky style kiteloop slim is back- bigger and better now with a nose grab. I must say, Im faster now and more way flexible!

I have been working out with weights and s - t - r - e - t - c - h everyday. Listen up people, you must stretch, especially if you kiteboard. I never stretched last year and I got stiff.
Greg and Jeff always told me to stretch, so listen -
STRETCH all you kiteboarders!!

I hear big things about Ian Mufin at Wildcat! I knew he would be a great freestyler. Keep your eyes on this new kid.

1 comment:

sam said...

hey this is sam glad to hear that your kiteloop slim chance is back and thanks for the streching tip

Corpus Christi Harbor Bridge

Corpus Christi Harbor Bridge
pic by Toby Bromwich