Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wildcat in November - Epic!

Hey my amigos,

The wind has been unusually good for November at Wildcat. It's great for me to be back on the water! and see all my friends again. With school and work, I am trying to kite when I can, and lately its been EPIC. Wildcat has been awesome the last couple of days.

There is a new kid on the block out at Wildcat. I met him the other day with his dad. His name is Ian, I think he is 14. He got some awesome lessons from "Big" Ian and this kid is already rippin' !!!
He has only been out on the water a couple of weeks (?) is already jumping and doing back rolls! I told him to put a bar in the tree, at his house and I'm ready to help him with any tricks he might want to learn. You all better watch out for this young ripper Ian.

see you on the water,

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hey everyone

Hey Everyone

Its been awhile, but I just wanted to say hey. I wanted to thank everyone for helping me and supporting me along the way with my kiteboarding. Im going to college now and have a job at American Eagle. Hope to see you around sometime at Wildcat. Thanks again,

Corpus Christi Harbor Bridge

Corpus Christi Harbor Bridge
pic by Toby Bromwich